The Science of Profitability
I was able to finish the Account Planning Tool over this period. This tool displays the targets and previous year history to the user, usually a sales person. He or she can then over-ride the customer specific targets with more accurate estimates for sales metrics.
Spent this week creating the foundation of the reporting tool in Microsoft Access. While many of the previous MOS tools had been built in Excel, I felt there was a greater opportunity to automate if we used Access. It was pretty cool to be making the calls on the best way to design the project […]
I spent this week becoming more familiar with the profitability model created by the modeling team. The model drives the detailed allocations of shared corporate costs down to the transaction level. It will be my job to format the data from the PM so that it meets the reporting needs of the organization. I also […]
Worked on creating what we call the “Top Down” spread of the business plan numbers. Some of the reports in the MOS tool focus on variance analysis, comparing “Actual” results to “Planned” forecasts. I am creating the plan numbers at the customer level incorporating all of the operating improvements that our team has laid out. […]
Our first week on the job was an interesting experience for me as it was my first working in this industry. There were new terms to learn and business processes to become familiar with. The Accunomics team was helpful and friendly.
Delivered the first update – we’re slowly gaining respect from client management as they can see we’re providing information about their business they haven’t had before. We’re now on to our next step – to demonstrate that greater rigor and transparency in pricing and financials will improve profits.
Preparing for our first update. This includes a review of their financial performance – the overview, which reviews financials they already generally know, and some analyses from the profit model, which is already telling us things the client doesn’t really know, such as at least 50% of their customers are either unprofitable or only marginally […]
I will be leading the supply chain work stream focused on developing a strategic plan for the distribution center (DC) assets. The month is spent bringing an expanded client team up to speed on the work stream goals and the overall transformation effort. There is an aura of ‘doubt’ in the air as a result […]
It’s time for our kick-off meeting with the validation team. After reviewing the profitability modeling process with everyone, we begin to demonstrate the capabilities of the model. The client seems impressed at the detailed visibility that the model provides. They’re able to select specific sites, customers and products and view the associated P&L right down […]
We meet individually with each member of the validation team to gather feedback. Each team member represents a different business area and provides specific insight into the minutia of his or her operations. We learn of more one-off adjustments that we’ll need to make in order to improve the accuracy of the model.