The Science of Profitability
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Created final documentation and gathered signatures that confirm we hit all milestones and delivered all required tools.
I’ve been working with the IT department to clarify the logic we built in to our MOS prototype so that they can migrate it into a long term solution. We used an agile development process to quickly develop much of the functionality. Now that the MOS has been validated by the sales force, and is […]
Worked on creating what we call the “Top Down” spread of the business plan numbers. Some of the reports in the MOS tool focus on variance analysis, comparing “Actual” results to “Planned” forecasts. I am creating the plan numbers at the customer level incorporating all of the operating improvements that our team has laid out. […]
We spent some time in the field this week deploying the account planning tool to a pilot group of 10 sales folks. It was a departure from their existing planning process, and they had many questions. But overall, they seemed eager to work with MOS tool, giving them much better visibility to their book of […]
Accunomics is seeking experienced finance and accounting professionals to build the foundation of our transformation process – the Accunomics profitability model. Ideal candidates combine advanced accounting and technology skills, allowing them to efficiency work with very large transactional datasets and also apply business judgment to important allocation and interpretation decisions. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS ROLE […]
We’re in full swing! The MOS tool is now being used by sales and sales management. I’m getting to attend business review meetings where the tool I built is part of their critical decision making process. Also had a group dinner this week with the entire team. We were updated on the overall project status, […]
I was able to finish the Account Planning Tool over this period. This tool displays the targets and previous year history to the user, usually a sales person. He or she can then over-ride the customer specific targets with more accurate estimates for sales metrics.