This phase builds sophisticated AI and Machine Learning models to leverage rich data sets (often spanning a decade or more) that had previously been too complex to analyze effectively.

The Accunomics Delivery Phase

Starting with Data Frame and Hyperstack Construction, the Delivery phase then moves to AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) construction development.

Working closely with your team and using the Business Case as a road map, we design, build, and implement an AI / Machine Learning model. DNN (deep neural networks) are used to enhance the analysis of ultra complex data sets.

Building the model is only part of the process. Once the model has been tested and refined, we create managerial dashboards that translate the intelligence into action. Because too often, on-the-ground business implementation can become a stumbling block on the path to results.

We work shoulder to shoulder with your team to make sure these dashboards are serving the organization’s needs, and that management is empowered to use them effectively. The Delivery Phase concludes as we deploy the dashboards at the front line and executive levels, to provide a window on how the recommendations from the model are being implemented.

Once the dashboards have been deployed and the AI insights have been integrated with operations, we’re ready for the Follow Up phase, where we’ll continue to drive the results that were identified in Assessment.